Person data Policy
The Falcon Hotel


The Falcon Hotel carries out all handling of personal data in accordance with the legislation in force at all times, including the EU's personal data regulation regarding the processing and protection of personal data, and works continuously to adapt relevant processes and systems.

Personal data means any type of information about an identified or identifiable natural person.

As a hotel company, The Falcon Hotel provides a wide range of services. Separate terms and conditions apply to each individual service.

When you, when ordering one or more of these services, submit your personal data to The Falcon Hotel, you also give your consent for your personal data to be processed by The Falcon Hotel.


Data controller

The Falcon Hotel ApS

CVR : 43734490

The beach road 99

Allinge 3770


How does The Falcon Hotel collect personal data?

The Falcon Hotel collects personal data in the following way:

  • When you choose to purchase and/or request one of The Falcon Hotel


  • From people acting on your behalf.

  • In the B2B market. For example, in a sales situation where a quote is requested for one of The Falcon Hotel

  • services and/or a cooperation agreement is requested.

  • Via browser cookies and web beacons.

In connection with the use of The Falcon Hotel digital services.

In some cases, The Falcon Hotel will receive personal data from third parties, for example in connection with a group reservation and/or an individual overnight stay made by a third party - for example by an assistant or the like. In these cases, the person responsible for the group and/or reservation is required to inform the guests involved about The Falcon Hotel terms and conditions and this personal data policy.

What information does The Falcon Hotel collect, including the following personal data:

  • Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth and other general personal data.

  • Credit card details - possibly as a guarantee for your booking.

  • Demographic information.

  • Purchase history

  • Feedback via our customer surveys.

  • Feedback on social media and other digital platforms.

  • Browser information.

What is the purpose of the collection?

The Falcon Hotel only collects personal data that is necessary for the purpose described in the separate terms and conditions for the services in question and in this personal data policy.

  • It is the individual service that determines both which personal data The Falcon Hotel collects and the purpose of the collection.

  • The Falcon Hotel's purpose for collecting personal data may be one or more of the following:

  • Processing your reservations and purchases of The Falcon Hotel

  • services.

  • Contact you before, during or after your stay.

  • Fulfillment of your request for services.

  • Improvement and development of The Falcon Hotel's services.

  • Adaptation of The Falcon Hotel's communication and marketing to you.

  • Analysis of your user behavior and re-marketing.

  • Adaptation of business partners' communication and marketing to you.

  • Administration of your relationship with The Falcon Hotel

  • Compliance with legal requirements.

The legal basis for the processing

Below is an explanation of the legal basis on which The Falcon Hotel bases the processing of your personal data.

The Falcon Hotel can process your personal data if you have given active consent to this.

The Falcon Hotel may also process your personal data because it is necessary to fulfill a contract to which you are a party. This may, for example, be in connection with hotel stays, meeting arrangements and/or cooperation agreements.

Likewise, The Falcon Hotel may process your personal data in order to carry out certain actions and/or preparations at your request prior to entering into a contract.

The processing of personal data may also take place in order for The Falcon Hotel to pursue a legitimate interest, unless your interest precedes this.

Legitimate interests that The Falcon Hotel pursues include statistics, customer surveys, interest-based marketing and analysis of general user behavior with the aim, among other things, of improving your benefits, your experience and the quality of The Falcon Hotel's services.

Processing of your personal data may finally be imposed on The Falcon Hotel by law. It is e.g. the case in connection with guest registration at check-in, where the legislation states which personal data The Falcon Hotel is required to register.

Your rights

According to the Personal Data Regulation, you have a number of rights.

  • You have the right to gain insight into which personal data The Falcon Hotel processes about you.

  • You have the right to have incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant personal data The Falcon Hotel has registered about you corrected and updated.

  • You have the right to have your registered personal data transferred to a third party.

  • Under certain conditions, you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data by The Falcon Hotel

  • You have the right to have the personal data The Falcon Hotel has registered about you deleted. If you wish to have your personal data deleted, The Falcon Hotel will delete all information that the hotel is not required by law to store.

  • If the processing of personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw the consent, which means that processing will then cease, unless The Falcon Hotel is required by law to process the personal data based on another legal basis. However, this does not affect the legality of the previous processing, which is based on consent before its withdrawal.

However, access may be limited for reasons of privacy protection of other persons, trade secrets and intellectual property rights.

By written request to The Falcon Hotel, you can either receive a printout of your personal data, have your personal data updated, object or request that your personal data be deleted.

The request must be signed by you and contain your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address.

If you are applying for a position at The Falcon Hotel

When you apply for a position at The Falcon Hotel, the information you have given The Falcon Hotel in connection with your application is processed.

In connection with the selection process, we reserve the right to screen the internet, including e.g. LinkedIn, Facebook and similar social media. Furthermore, we reserve the right to contact the references you have provided. In this connection, the company will process relevant general personal data and any sensitive information if it is made available.

If you are employed at The Falcon Hotel, your information is stored in accordance with The Falcon Hotel's personal data policy for employees that is noted in the staff handbook.

Applications from candidates who are not employed are kept for up to 6 months after the refusal has been given.

Security of storage and sharing of your personal data

The Falcon Hotel protects your personal data and has adopted internal rules on information security, which contain instructions and measures that protect your personal data from unauthorized disclosure and from unauthorized persons gaining access or knowledge of it.

The Falcon Hotel has established procedures for granting access rights to those of our employees who process sensitive personal data and data that reveal information about personal interests and habits.

In certain cases, The Falcon Hotel may also be obliged to pass on personal data in accordance with legislation or following a decision by a public authority.

Teva Kattan
